We’ve moved…

The RM Investors blog is now here – or, if you want to remember the URL, it’s at rmeducationblogs.com/investors

All of the previous posts have been copied over, but if you’re signed up for alerts, you’ll need to re-register.

We’ve made it part of a suite of RM Education blogs with lots more news, information and opinions from across the Group – why not take a look around?

BETT postscript

A short BETT postscript.

Good to see a positive opening speech from a DfE Minister. Tim Laughton is Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Children and Families and described himself as a previous visitor to BETT (he is, we spent an hour or so with him last year when he was still in opposition). He said lots of interesting things, for a summing-up extract, try this:

The future of education in this country depends on how well we equip young people to go on and succeed in their lives. And all of us know that if we are serious about achieving that ambition, it has to include giving them access to the very best that technology has to offer.

The time has come to take advantage of that opportunity by encouraging school leaders to come along to exhibitions like this, and decide for themselves what pupils need.

The time has come to ensure that children and young people are able to take advantage of the wonders that technology brings – without the dangers.

This is the first major statement from the Coalition on educational ICT, and it’s pretty positive.

There’s plenty of media coverage in the Guardian that’s worth checking out.

Oh, and RM won a couple of awards, gratifyingly including one for ICT Service and Support .

Stock Exchange Announcement

Result of Annual General Meeting

Click here for details of votes cast.

Stock Exchange Announcement

RM confirmed as ICT provider to Hertfordshire County Council’s schools build programme

US Educational Technology Chief speaks in London

Karen Cator, Director of the Office of Technology in the US Education Department is in London this week for various events surrounding the BETT show. Today she gave the keynote address at the BETT International conference and RM is hoping to spend time with her tomorrow.

To get an idea of what’s on her mind at the moment, try this piece from the Huffington Post. It’s written by UK educational IT commentator Ewan McIntosh, and discusses Cator’s presentation at the Learning Without Frontiers conference (also on in London this week).

“Spend more, not less on school ICT”

OK, so you might expect a Computerworld blog to have a pro-IT angle but John Spencer’s piece has the virtue of being an interesting read.

At an Intellect (UK high tech trade association) conference last Autumn, a couple of senior public sector speakers suggested that Government would work to a model of initial hard budget cuts, followed by a more reflective period of working out how technology could improve processes, then planned investment. So, taking the ‘more for less’ mantra, we’ll start concentrating on more value rather than less cost. Good to see commentators beginning to take first steps on that path.

Stock Exchange Announcement

Blocklisting Six Monthly Return

Stock Exchange Announcement

RM confirmed as ICT provider for Camden BSF programme

Annual Report – 2010

RM’s 2010 Annual Report is now available from our Web site.

Stock Exchange Announcement

RM confirmed as ICT provider for London Borough of Ealing BSF programme